Monday, October 13, 2008

Neighborhood Environment and Influences

Alright class, I had a heck of time getting this on here in the right format. This blog doesn't want to accept my pictures, so sorry--and it also doesn't have the text boxes that I had put on there for the drawings, but at least the questions are there, so you get the gist!


Name ______________________

Neighborhood Environment and Influences

1. Where do you live?



2. What do you live in? Circle one:

              House                                          Apartment             

house.jpg            apartment.jpg

              Condo                                          Other:



3. Do you know your neighbors?  Yes        No

4.  Are you friends with your neighbors?    Yes     No

5.  What are the people in your neighborhood like? Friendly, Unfriendly, do they share things with you, do you have neighborhood or community gatherings?


6.  Do most of your neighbors speak the same language as you?

7.  If not, what languages do they speak?


8.  Is there a lot of diversity in your neighborhood, or are most of the people Caucasian, black, Hispanic?


9.  Draw a picture of your neighborhood.  Include the following, if they belong in your neighborhood:


grocery store

other houses, condos, apartments

golf course

shopping center, etc.



busy streets

 6. How do you get to and from school? (Circle one

             Walk                               Drive                     Bicycle             walk.jpg   car.jpg  bike.jpg     

 Bus                            Other:


7. If you walk, draw a picture of your pathway. For example, show the areas you walk through (park, busy street, buildings, neighborhoods).

Do you walk by yourself?

8. Do you hang out outside in your neighborhood?

9. If not, why?



1 comment:

barbaramarsh12 said...

Good questions to get at a lot of good information. If older students don't want to draw their neighborhood, they could cut out magazine pictures and explain why the pictures describe their perception of their neighborhood.