Monday, October 27, 2008

Educational Family History - Team Pendants Activity

Educational Family History: Team Pendant/Writing Activity

I thought the idea of having an activity that involved sports and art might be a good way to get the students attention. Many students are going to have a favorite college team, whether it is because they have family members who attended that college, or because there is an athlete they admire on that team. I thought this would be a good way to begin to address educational family history. However, the pendants alone will most likely not provide all the information we would like to know as teachers and so I added a written portion. The written response is more direct and detailed; I believe it will help us get a good idea of the educational history of our students. Due to the nature of the questions I thought it was a good idea to tell them they do not need to put their names on the written response.

Directions for the activity
(These are the directions I would give to the students)

Team Pendants:
Do you have a favorite college sports team? Why are they your favorite…do you have family members who attended this college or university? Is this a college that you would like to attend? Do you really like a particular athlete on this team? Using these questions as a guide, create a team pendant that represents your interest in different universities/colleges. You can put as many schools on your pendant as you like; create the pendant any way you like (draw, use magazine pictures, words, etc.) – be creative! J We will hang the pendants up around the room after they are finished.

Written Response:
After you have completed your team pendant, please write a response explaining why you chose these particular schools. I would also like you to think about some other questions regarding education, and answer any of the following questions you feel comfortable writing about. You do not have to put your name on the written response, this is just a way for me to get to know the class, and the different knowledge and experiences you each bring to our classroom.
Following are some questions to think about while you are writing your response. You do not have to answer all of the questions they are just a guide to get you thinking. Remember, there is not a right or wrong answer!

*What careers interest you?
*Do you think you need to attend college to pursue these careers?
*What about these careers interest you?
*Are you interested in attending a trade school?
*Do you have family members that have attended a college or trade school?
*What type of careers do your family members have or have had in the past?
*Are these careers you would be interested in? Why or why not?
*Do you talk about your education with your family?
(example: what you are currently doing in school, any educational plans for the future)
*Do you currently enjoy school? Have you enjoyed school in the past?
*Does your family encourage your educational goals?
*If there were not any limits, and you could do anything you have dreamed about – what would you do for your first year after high school graduation?

1 comment:

barbaramarsh12 said...

What about adding a question about the type of work or careers available int their neighborhood?