Monday, October 27, 2008

Reading Level & Learning Style

Learning style inventory

This chart helps you determine your learning style; read the word in the left column and then answer the questions in the successive three columns to see how you respond to each situation. Your answers may fall into all three columns, but one column will likely contain the most answers. The dominant column indicates your primary learning style.


Try this website:

 It is a great way to see what level your students are at in their reading. I would use this as a pre-assessment at the beginning of the year and again at the end of the semester/year to see how they have progressed.

This next sample is taken from our Reading book.

Sample Comprehension Inventory

General Directions: Read pages 595-600 in your textbook. Then look up at the board and not the time it took you to complete the selection. Record this time in the space provided on the response sheet. Close your book and answer the first question. You may then open your textbook to answer the remaining questions.

Student Response Form


Reading time:____________ min. _______________sec.

I.               Directions: Close your book and answer the following question: In your own words, what was this section about? Use as much space as you need on the back of this page to complete your answer.

II.              Directions: Open your book and answer the following questions.

1-4 True or False statements to align to the text these questions are found directly in the text. These questions relate on the knowledge level of Bloom’s taxonomy.

III.            Directions. The author does not directly state answers to these questions. You must “read between the lines” to answer them.

5-7 Short answer questions that ask for students to infer truth and statements that align with the text. These questions are found on the comprehension, application and application level of Bloom’s taxonomy.

IV.            Directions: the author does not directly state answers to these questions.

8-10 Short answer questions that ask the students to predict defend and support. These questions are on the synthesis and evaluation levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

This is a great way to evaluate what your students are getting out of the reading and at what level they are reading at. These questions span the whole spectrum of Bloom’s taxonomy.

1 comment:

barbaramarsh12 said...

Good ideas - I especially like the idea of giving the learning styles inventory again during the course of the year to see if the students are starting to feel more comfortable in other areas.